Artist/Writer/Creative Producer 
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things fall apart/ the centre cannot hold (research in progress)

Presenting a series of audio transmissions, Georgia Holman, will present the work ‘things fall apart/ the centre cannot hold’. The work is a multi channel audio work, of layered texts presented as whispers dispersed around the gallery space. With sensorial descriptions of flickering lights, oblivions, luminosity, and pressures from within, the text creates a web of alternating currents built from echoes and refrains of personal rituals of escapism. Slipping somewhere between a guided meditation, a prayer and a cry, the work centres around stories of the visualisation of phosphenes leaving your eyes and evoking spirit like figures occupying a ‘thin place’.  The work speaks to an existence of undirected faith, and an attempted reconciliation with a world populated by grief, love & loss. Entering a slipping point between dimensional realms, in a thin place, one is able to walk in two worlds. Exploring a dual state of pain and pleasure the texts invite the listener to slip outside of their body in order to commune with ‘the figures’ - obscured light sources that form personifications of the emotions of shame, desire, rage and hope. The work presents considerations of the small ways in which we can move towards a collective liberation, by unlocking facets of our own feeling, which are routinely obscured by the complexities of our daily lives, but made visible by attempted escapism into a trance-state.

Once the eye has become adapted to the darkness, and particularly if you can relax, the visual field lights up: wispy clouds and moving specks of light appear, generally in pastel shades of blue, green, orange and yellow. If you press your eyes further, figures are evoked.

Whispered through a multi-channel audio work, these audio transmissions invite you to slip between realities on a collective sensorial-trip that is both shimmering and hopeful, yet nauseous to the core.